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Old 18th February 2024, 01:35 AM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Detlef,

I agree nearly with everything Kai has stated. It's a pedang most probably from Lombok. The fittings are like Kai stated from mamas but I guess that the handle fittings are all from mamas and from the same age since the engraved flowers are very similar.
Yes, that's the lower quality I was referring to; only the basal third (the broadened part next to the blade) might be older (if the material is actually different).

The blade isn't overcleaned IMVHO but can need further polish before you try an etch. When you don't want to use a chemical etch try to etch it with instant coffee, with a little luck it will work. It's a very nice blade!
This or tannic acid might be worth a try; phosphoric acid might also work to bring laminations out. If nice pamor/laminations are showing up, only etching with arsenic will bring them out as needed from a traditional point of view.

Attached are my own pedang collection from Lombok, only the second one from up is a pedang from Sumatra. The two in down and the third from up have as well fittings from mamas, the others have silver fittings at the handles.
I actually wasn't referring to the common pedang (or kelewang according to Djelenga) which is basically single-edged.

This is actually another type of blade that is based on the typical straight, double-edged cundrik blade - just curved and usually a bit longer...

Here are 3 more examples of this specific pattern/type.

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