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Old 17th February 2024, 08:53 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by eftihis View Post
This seven barrel gun looks similar to the famous Nock gun. However, there is no brand on the barrel and lock, and the lock is percussion. Is this a latter imitation of the famous gun from another company?
My guess would be that this is indeed a later imitation. I've seen a couple of mentions of "multi barrel goose guns" which I am going to guess that this is. The fact that this is a "taken down shotgun" format makes me believe it probably would have gone in a nice sporting case at some point.

There is an article on these guns in "The Field" magazine titled "A seven-barrel ‘goose’ rifle", which I unfortunately can't access without a subscription but it shows what looks an example of a gun that looks quite similar in style to the one you showed.
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