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Old 17th February 2024, 06:46 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 269

What a great looking sword, my first thought was that could be for an officer of the East India Company, with the brass being more suitable to the humid climate. Another possibility could be that it belonged to an Indian officer who wanted a solid hilt that felt more like a tulwar.

Have you taken any stats of the sword? How long is it and the blade, weight, curvature and point of balance?

Also interesting that it doesn’t have a crest in the guard, which could be another clue for a para military organisation.

Is it possible to take more photos of the sword alone, without the additional clutter of the pistols and belt? There’s a lot to unpick in the blade, the fuller is interesting, I’m not familiar enough with shamshirs to know if this is common or not. My suspicision is that it’s more of an Indian feature leading to the suggestion the blade was made specifically for the Indian market.
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