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Old 15th February 2024, 08:17 AM   #25
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With regards to the Barbary Coast, there is quite a diverse and interesting history as part of it was / concerned the present Moroccan city of Salé , where I have worked for a year in 1980.
It is opposite Rabat , separated by the Bouregreg river and used to be an independent for a while and a cente of the pirates.
Many of whom were Dutch renegades, like Jan Janszoon van Haarlem (AKA Moerad Raïs 1570- 1641).
Enclosed a sword captured by Michiel de Ruyter, most likely in the battle at Salé, approx. 1640-1664, Rijksmuseum NG-NM-10412. I can highly recommand a visit to the city of Salé !
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