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Old 13th February 2024, 08:45 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by survtech View Post
I'm not sure if links to PDF's are allowed, so I won't link at the moment.
Yes Mike, PDF's are allowed. Only some times they are a bit tricky to open.

On another note, once my source (RD) decided to open his voluminous data chest, i would like to post here in written text, some biographic notes on the LePage saga, for our members perusal. I also hope they include some 'missing links' to your info files of this master.


During the period of the French Revolution, 1789 -1799, LePage's workshop and store were robbed by the crowd and all the weapons present were stolen. There is an engraving of this with women coming out of the LePAGE store with halberds, swords and rifles in their hands. After seing this, what was new to me at the time, that LePage also sold halberds, i researched and came to conclusion that it was true. LePage also sold polearms. Actually, one has already passed through my hands.
Also i have a espadim (small sword) made and signed by LePage, richly inlaid with worked gold, with the Royal Portuguese coat of arms, which Queen Dona Maria the 2nd, while in refuge in Paris during the liberal Campaigns, had it made for the Duke of Loulé, who went to collect her and bring her back to Portugal.
Back to the plunder, his employees fled with parts of pieces they have started, to later complete them minimally, with little decoration. The value of weapons at the time depended on their functional condition.
Many weapons from Boutet and also from LePage have passed through my hands. Those for Napoleon's personal use tend to be by LePage and those he offered were by Boutet.

Concerning Udo's pocket pistol (post #9), this has the basic characteristics to be a LePage product ... although with a low quality finish. The easiest way to confirm that, is to disassemble it and check whether it has the serial number and production year.
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