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Old 12th February 2024, 10:51 PM   #44
Amuk Murugul
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Default Appendix to last post

Hullo everybody!

Following, is the appendix to my last post. It should go together by way of explanation. It may enlighten (or NOT ).


Derived from Bisaya Carita Kalamanten(Dreamtime):

~1250: Aliku forced the Bisaya to emigrate, under the leadership of “The Ten Datus”. One of the Datus subsequently returned to vanquish the Aliku and establish a Bisaya realm.

-1363: Baruné (I)(Buni/Boni): Ruler Awang Al Akbar Tatar (bin Bonian Mas Kayangan) becomes Muslim with title: Sultan Muhammad Shah, seated at Kota Klias.

-1369: Muh. Shah founds and moves to Baruné (II) and becomes its first Sultan, leaving his eldest son Sultan Awang Kuyoh to govern Baruné I (Baruné Klias). Awang Kuyoh had two sons, Panglima OrangKayaKaya Pahlawan Awang Kasim and Panglima Awang Al Abu.

-1370: Sultan Kuyoh and his wife were abducted by the Lupah Sug during a surprise attack. Kuyoh managed to escape but perished, while his wife was borne to Lupah Sug.
This incident infuriated Kuyoh’s sons.
With his older brother’s permission, Panglima Awang Al Abu gathered a force and attacked Lupah Sug, razing it.
To ensure that Baruné would never suffer another surprise attack, on the return journey, Al Abu left a contingent of men on islands he named Kajayaan(I)(CagayanDeSulu/Mapun) and Kajayaan (II) (Cagayan/Cagayancillo) (in honour of their victory), to act as forward monitoring posts.
Al Abu returned to the island where he had marshalled and trained his invasion force. He resolved to make it a bastion against piracy and the kingdom's military headquarters, naming it Pahlawan, in honour of his men.

~1480: birth of Panglima Awang Silap Ul Abu.

-1519: Sultan Bolkiah commissions Silap Ul Abu to monitor the activities of the Europeans who would be entering the realm from the east , as well as to bring troublesome Rajah Humabon to heel. On arrival in the area, Ul Abu sets up base on an island he named ‘Bisaya’ (Bulaia/Matamata/Mactan).

- 1521: Silap Ul Abu kills Magalhaes
Returns to Baruné. His replacement, en route to Pahlawan, is stopped by remnant of Magalhaes expedition and then released.

Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 13th February 2024 at 01:34 AM. Reason: spelling correction
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