12th February 2024, 03:44 PM
Keris forum moderator
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 7,199
Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Pretty much the same as for Athanase David, except that if I look at it as a whole I'd incline more to Lombok.
The reason for this variation is that Athanase's blade does have a couple of indicators that are Mojo in style --- not age, but style, the upright blumbangan, the slow luk. Your blade has a squarish blumbangan, still has slow luk, similar pamor, but it does not look even vaguely Mojoish to my eye.
Lombok had a population of people from Jawa, Bali, Bugis & of course the Sasaks. In my opinion, more likely to be Lombok, but there is nothing that waves a Bali flag.
Like much to do with keris, its just opinion, & opinions rest upon experience. Somebody with equal but different experience to my own could have a different opinion.
Thanks Alan. I have been going under the Lombok assumption for some time with this keris, but i am always open to different opinions.