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Old 11th February 2024, 04:21 PM   #2
Keris forum moderator
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Very nice pamor Tangkis blade. It has been my understanding that blades like this with a different pamor on each side are meant as a protection against black magic.
I also have a keris with pamor Tangkis in Bali dress though i have never been fully convinced that the blade origin is Bali/Lombak, even though a very well informed senior collect once told me he felt it was quite possible. I do have the same question about your blade, especially given the style of gonjo. But as you may know, it is not at all unusual to find Javanese blades in Bali dress that are very legitimate. With mine it is clear that the Balinese sarung was indeed created specifically for the blade.
Very interesting and somewhat unusual Cecekahan style hilt btw.
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