22nd January 2024, 10:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
I tend to disagree Kai, erosion and the necessary coldwork has taken a part of the swirl, I feel that this swirl might be continued into the pesi, & and if that is so, then that pesi will have been attached to the blade after the body of the blade had been forged, however, this is just a possibility being floated, because we cannot know that without seeing the pesi, especially under the gonjo.
In any case, whether the kul buntet was inserted as a swirl, or whether the maker was sufficiently skilled to create a swirl in one part of a larger motif, the end result is still the same:- kul buntet.
If it is a part of a larger motif, is that larger motif mlumah or miring?
Incidentally, on the subject of "insertion" of a pamor feature, in some cases we can form a hole, or even an impression in the material, & then lay the swirl or whatever into it, but it is also sufficient just to lay the additional piece of pamor onto the already forged material, then cover it with another piece of material that gets removed during the cold work.
Thanks Mr. Maisey for the info. and my excuses for replying so late
best wishes, Martin