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Old 22nd January 2024, 11:57 AM   #7
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by gp View Post
As for myself; I am Dutch but with ties to the former Yu, which I frequently visited and even lived & worked in prior the tragic events in the 90ies.

The dolphin reminds my of Cika Joco; a dolphin which lived in the Boka Kotorska / bay of Kotor with his female compagnon in the mid 80ies and was a playmate to the local children and protected by the fishermen.

Could it perhaps be that in the past, this animal was used as a decoration due to respect and love of the people in the Mediterranean..? Just a guess though.
Hmm, i realy dont know 100% what that head is, is it animal from mitology or real animal, but in most cases it is called azdaja.
It is a kind of monster or dragon, there are swords, some call them albanian swords, but they are a kind of ledenik, swords made in boka kotorska, handles are in silver, and on the end of a handle is a dragons head, so i think that same is with those heads on yatagans, they are some kind of mithologycal dragon or monster head.
Maybe pure decoration and perhaps maybe they are used like gargoyles are used on european cathedrals, to deter evil or bad luck from wearer of the sword?
Il atach picture of handle of sword made in boka, see the similary crafted raised silver like on ledenica pistols, allso made in boka kotorska.
There are allso venetian stiletos that are made in boka kotorska, but are very rare and expensive.
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