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Old 21st January 2024, 10:33 PM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by gp View Post
very beautiful ! My compliments ☼☼☼

back to your question; I have a bichaq with a similar star / sun like marking but also can not place it other then Ottoman and perhaps ( a guess only) Black sea erea....

But against that guess is the fish / dolphin-like creature at the bottom of the scabbard which one can find in the Kotor erea and Greece or actually Crete.

Another strange but most beautiful decoration are the 2 eagles on top of the grip / handle at the inside part, which is not a double headed eagle which is known from Albania, Habsburg/Austria and Russia.
Hello Gp, thank you!
Well, i know about what kind of bichak you are talking, it is in silver and corals i presume , it has a stars on a blade, i had one, it is similar but it isnt the same thing, this is bladesmith mark, on that kind of albanian bichaq, that are stars that are engraved on blade for decoration, they are very nice little knives.
They are albanian prizren made mostly.

This is 100% european blade, my friend who colects schiavona swords found similar marking on schiavona.
Profile is from sword, one side is cut down, and bent in yatagan profile, very sharp and very good temper, marks are from both sides, deep bladesmith marks, soo called punce.

About mounting, well, it is stuning in person, very heavy and solid silver, ahat is all hand chiseled, every surface is or chiseled or engraved, or dotted.
On the ears if you notice arms, tjat is ottoman baroque motives, that fish/monster in balkan aždaja creature i found on many yatagans from balkan to turkey, i realy dont know the meaning on it, some say it is put on high status person yatagans, some it is on ex penaive ones, other it is some rank in military? Who knows, i think it is just a decoration.

But eagle like creatures are interesting, they look persian to me, but realy i dont know.
It is the mark that im interested in, becouse mounting is most probably turkey, in according with that ottoman baroque arms mark mounting is from 1650-1750 that period, (i surely know that it is at least that old becouse it is taken by my great great great great …. Relative in fight in montenegro in the midle of 18 century, from then it is in family posesion.
It has a writen dedication to my relative on montenegrin cirilic with year.

But i think that blade is older than that.
Both turks as europeans had a practice to capture good enemy blade and remount it to them self.
I have a kilij, tjat has a blade from old european sabre, 1550-1650 period, that is taken by turks and they put on it silver ottoman older style handle, and then my ancestors captured it in fight and in cetinje engraved their creast in gold on the blade and writen dedication in 1796.

Well, enough writing. 😁
If i may ask where are you from, are you from balkan?
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