Thread: Yatagan?
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Old 20th January 2024, 08:08 PM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 87

Well, you have right to disagree, books and especialy so called “experts” are most times wring, becouse they saw a litle bit of material and write on that presumption.
I said it is 1000% from kotor are becouse i am from kotor, i have in my family identical swords but in many times beter moznting and quality that are over 300 years old, all dated and tracked so i onow which master and workshop in kotor made them.
Straight sword with this kind of a blade, bone and this kind of ears or silver and no ears which are vay rearer, are 100000% koror, and risno made pala swords.
They vere newer named and called yatagana but pala.
Look in book fejsil čurćić staro oružje in bigger book there is small allso, it is old and expensive but maybe online, he is best author on subject of that kind of weapons.
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