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Old 20th January 2024, 04:39 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 85
Default Ottoman karabela around year 1650-1700 or?

Hello, what do you think, is this ottoman karabela from year 1650-1700, or is a 19 century made “ottoman karabela”
A guy is selling it, i took a look but im in doubt, handle looks all genuin, black horn steel rivers with patina, brass crossguard, but blade, it is tempered, and battle blade but top part of a blade with yelman is very strange, blade almost has no distal taper, it is 100-150 grama heavyer than i would say it should be.
I found that same shape of top part of a blade on line and in museums and all of them 4 total are ottoman karabela from 17 century 1600+ blade, they look tje same.
Scabbard is wood covered in leather which is glued, no turkish ziper, but to my knowing that is the way turkish swords before 1700 were made.
If some one can tell me more, please! Do!
Thanx you!
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