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Old 19th January 2024, 11:28 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 123
Default Two Keris arrived

Hi All, after being lost in the post with DHL. They finally arrived two Keris Surakarta Ladrang. The one with the gold/ gilded selut the warangka is sadly missing the angkup and damage to the kruwingan. I am not sure if this pamor is called Uler Lulut. The other keris with adeg ramput pamor if I am correct. These Keris were brought to the Netherlands in 1912 when a grand uncle a pendita returned home. As was written to me by the seller.
The blades are really clean and the keris with the selut has these indentations that might be called thumb prints. But also make me think of hammer marks made by the empu.

What do the experts think of these two Keris? I am surprised by the quality of the selut. The Ukiran is fixed with human hair as I found out while taking it off.
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