Well noted on 'tuition', something I think we are all well acquainted with in this esoteric cirriculum, but I applaud your taking the leap.
As you say, it is tempting to see this as modern art, and it seems I think of these kinds of things being 'projects' in metal shop classes I recall about a zillion years ago

with the writhen styling testing skills.
However, it does seem, in my well fogged memory, that I have seen this kind of work in genuinely early examples of rapier etc. so you were wise to check the work of Schmidt (the Mowbray book is so valuable!).
I would initially be tempted to think of old theatrical or fraternal items, but frankly this seems too elaborate. The varnish application is a very old method, and often signals being from an old collection.
My curiosity notably the books!
Hopefully other entries will follow .