Thread: Afghan shashkas
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Old 16th January 2024, 06:05 AM   #53
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Turkoman.khan View Post
Hello Jim

Excellent shashka. Congratulations. I think this is a fine example of a shashka from late 19th century Afghanistan.

Turkoman, THANK YOU so much for the kind words! I was so enthralled with this in the London auction I saw it in that I flew to London to attend it (never did that before!) . I think the scabbard was the most intriguing as it looked like many Ive seen on paluoars. I agree, and as it seems the consensus to be, this is Afghan.

Ian, thank you for the link to that very exhilerating thread !!!
That was a boldly placed topic you posted, and wonderful to see those days when discussions prevailed. While flare ups of contention happened, the outstanding and elucidating material shared truly advanced I think the general understanding of these sword groups.

It would seem, as I think as suggested, the term shashka is probably not 'by the numbers', properly applied here despite the obvious similarities, but it is hard to think of it otherwise, as in character it seems to call out, 'shashka'.
When recalling "The Great Game", the profound influences of Russia in Afghanistan in the 19th century cannot be discounted.
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