Thread: Afghan shashkas
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Old 15th January 2024, 06:52 AM   #50
Jim McDougall
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Default Shaska......Afghan or Uzbek?

This was a great discussion, and fascinating topics. Over 20 years ago, I was able to get this shashka, which in the auction in London was described as from Uzbekistan.
In subsequent research and discussion with Torben Flindt, it was inconclusive whether this was indeed Uzbek, or actually Afghan. It was he who said wisely, 'weapons have NO geographic boundaries'.

This example has the same distinctive long fluted chape on the scabbard seen on many paluoars, so that of course leans to Afghan.

I hope possible the members here might add their insights, and what about this example might lean to either Uzbekistan or Afghanistan. I would presume this is late 19th c?

Any comments on the calyx extending at back of grip ferrule as per Khyber knives etc.?
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