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Old 13th January 2024, 01:44 AM   #24
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

No David, the tejo kinurung thing goes back sometime in the 1980's, but since everybody believes that adeg wengkon is OK, I go with the flow, I don't see it as my job to give lessons with every variation in names, for one thing, I would not have time, for seconds I do not want to get into long debates/discussions for no real purpose.

In fact, most of the understanding and information I have is dated back before year 2000. Pak Parman got his promotion in 1995, Pauzan moved on in 2014, Hardjonagoro bought a ticket out in 2008. All the people from whom I learnt moved on some time ago, and all I have to learn from new people is how much their ideas have changed & been added to since my friends & teachers left us.

Names vary, anybody who has any understanding of keris knows that, so we use whatever suits the occasion.

But this is a discussion group, Gustav raised a valid question in discussion so I gave an answer that maybe filled the gap.
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