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Old 9th January 2024, 05:40 PM   #21
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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The complexity of these trade networks and the ever volatile conflicts between national and ethnic entities were key dynamics in the diffusion of these familiar elements of varying sword forms make it difficult, at best, to solve most of these conundrums.

All we can do is speculate with reasonable consideration (ratiocination) to try to find viable identifications or classifications on these anomalies.

By analogy, I have always been fascinated with ethnography and various ethnic and cultural characteristics of nationalities (sort of inherent working in international airports in my career). I would often guess where someone was from in conversation, and one lady who was clearly Indian, I guessed she was from Gujerat. She smiled and said, 'no, Im from Kenya'. Seeing I was taken aback, she then added.......many Indian people went to Africa to PARENTS were from Gujerat!!!

So it is with these weapons.

The inherent influences of the elements of Italian and Portuguese swords had entered these spheres long before the period of most of these weapons we discuss, so its difficult to place or date based on these characteristics. There were cases of course of various components produced in one location, then exported to others to be used in assembly of locally favored sword types.
In India, the tulwar is a good example, it seems a high percentage of these hilts were produced in the numerous centers in Rajasthan. Many went to other locations for decoration and mounting using blades from other areas or trade blades....much as the manner of cutlers assembling swords in other countries.

As mentioned, the ring guard feature, as seen in Buttin, is not seen as any sort of locally distinguishing feature on these swords of the Arab sphere, simply regarded as sa'if. As you say, the rather vast conduit of the Ottoman Empire was most assuredly the dynamic that carried much of this diffusion, but alongside the equally dynamic Arab trade.

It has seemed to me, as I learned years ago in research along with Peter Hudson (Ibrahiim al Balooshi) Zanzibar was a profound 'X factor' in this Arab trade sphere,and the 'ringed guard' sa'if were simply among the numerous other forms there. Among the anomalies studied were the so called 'Zanzibar' swords.........which were termed that first by Demmin (1877), then that carried forth by Burton (1884)........but as noted by Buttin (1933) these were in fact s'boula of Morocco. They were simply deemed Zanzibari by having been seen in that context.

There I go again, rambling away. Its just that I find this topic really exciting and fascinating, and you have for as many years as I can recall, deeply studied these areas, so I cannot resist sharing perspective.
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