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Old 9th January 2024, 03:25 PM   #23
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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It seems we have been remiss in not formally welcoming Roger to the forum, and especially for bringing in such a great example small sword for discussion. The best thing with this forum has always been the sharing of such examples by members and the discussion, with which we all learn, together.

The entries Radboud has placed here on the proper nomenclature are remarkable! and a perfect example of how we all continue to learn by sharing here. Though I have obsessively studied arms history for more years than I can say exactly, I often still feel a novice as there is so much to learn, and only a network of specialists such as reside here can possibly answer the countless questions that come with every unique discovery.
Nobody can effectively know everything obviously, but collectively the resounding strength of the comprehensive knowledge here is formidable.

To that, I.P., your questions are well placed as are your observations, and you are absolutely in no way, obtuse!

In my opinion, this seems certainly appears to be a German made rapier blade which is of heirloom quality and a likely of course about mid 17th century. The most compelling indicators are of course the spelling of the name, as well as the punctuating 'x's which were a well established convention it seems with Solingen blades. It should be noted as far as 'Spanish style', in the mid 17th century, Toledo was effectively in decline and all but defunct by the end of the century. The innovative German smiths were adept at duplicating not only the features and style of the Spanish blades, but readily adopted and spuriously applied the names and markings accordingly. I actually have a rapier blade which came from a shipwreck dating in 1690s intended to represent a Toledo maker (Aiala) but with atypical Spanish punzone, thus clearly a Solingen product.

The hilt is English and of latter 18th century, and of the faceted cut steel fashion associated primarily with Matthew Boulton in Soho at that time.
While the small sword in this period was regarded as 'in decline' as far as a fashionable accoutrement in gentleman's wear, fencing had become powerfully popular. In England fencing masters such as Angelo had brought the art into high dimension.

Regarding the bilobate guard, which is of course typical of the small sword, this shape and style was ubiquitously used in these type swords in virtually all countries using the small sword. While commonly called a shell guard colloquially, the rather colorful term describing 'donkeys hoof' (pas d'ane) is simply the apparently proper nomenclature. So the guard would not denote French origin of the hilt, and what is so notably hard about identifying small swords is the universality of the hilt elements.

It seems likely that in the gentry, those who were deeply enamored of the fencing art might well have desired a sword in the high fashion of the time mounted with a fine rapier blade in use in the period of the high masters of the previous century. Whether actually used or not, the profound status of such a sword would be proudly worn, and no doubt, such a blade shown off in accord.

The hubris and obsession with prestige and status of these times in the end of the 18th into the early 19th century in the gentry are often not well realized, but one case in point that I think a good illustration would be the renowned Beau Brummel. While not saying this sword has anything to do with him obviously, the analogy is to illustrate what I mean.

As far as the swords functionality, it is of course hard to say without handling it, but I would presume it would handle well as required. Remember these were worn primarily as elements of fashion, but could be used, mostly as a deterrent, in self defense. In the business of dueling, which is sketchy at best, most likely epee or saber specifically intended would be employed.

In all, a MOST attractive and historically intriguing example!

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 9th January 2024 at 03:40 PM.
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