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Old 9th January 2024, 11:23 AM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Location: The Aussie Bush
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Default 18th C Archaic Moro barung

Archaic barung do not come along often and can be hard to recognize. This is likely the oldest barung I have owned. Dating it to the 18th C is based on the particular style of shandigan (“swollen edged”) blade and the early style of junggayang hilt. The blade is likely older than the hilt, although the hilt is the earliest known junggayang form. I am grateful to a fellow forumite, Xasterix, for confirming the age estimate.

Overall length = 59 cm (~23.25 in)
Hilt length (blade to tip of kakatua tail) = 21.0 cm (~8.25 in)
Width of junggayan pommel (tip to tip) = 134.0 cm (~5.0 in)
Punto length = 9.5 cm (~3.75 in)
Blade length = 38.0 cm (~15.0 in)
Blade maximum width = 5.5 cm (~2.2 in) at 16.5 cm (~6.5 in) from the hilt
Balance point at 7.5 cm (~3.0 in) from the hilt.
Asking price: USD 900.00 (Shipping and insurance included) PayPal only please

Please note: I do not ship to Russia or China.

My personal policy is to offer items here at a discount to what I would ask at auction. Depending on the level of interest, this sword will be offered here for 2–3 weeks and if no takers I will be sending it to an auction house and asking substantially more for it. I would prefer it goes to a serious collector who is currently a member here, and will enjoy it as much as I do.


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