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Old 8th January 2024, 05:16 PM   #19
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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well put Fernando, as always. Anyone imagining there was any sort of strict adherence to alphabets, spelling or grammar through the centuries and with transliteration, is in for a big surprise.

Arms writers in the 19th century certainly didn't do us any favors. It seems we have spent decades trying to untangle all of these terms, phrases etc. applied to arms and armor in those times . These were, as with much of the 'historical writing', thoroughly laced with 'lore' and misperceptions.

Most of these have been so thoroughly ingrained in the colloquial idioms of the collecting world that it would be a semantic nightmare to try to change them now. Still for serious students of arms, it is good to have these kinds of details to cross refererence...I for one am intently adjusting my notes
Thank you so much guys!
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