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Old 7th January 2024, 09:14 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

I have seen several seemingly Philippino weapons (lately, since I was researching one which came in my possession) showing several elements mixed up together, some nicer than others.

I saw some time ago a weapon with a similar Ivory hilt on a wavy blade. I flirted for some time with the idea of buying it ( was for sale for a very long time) .

This example has a very nice grip but then the blade is of the more ordinary type .

I think these are fairly modern pieces. It may have been made for tourists.

I bought one kris of similar manufacture from someone whom told he had bought it in Singapore. I then saw several examples of the same quality . The hilt was a Maguindanao style but way simpler than the other Maguindanao that I have. I wasn't overly impressed with the weapon so I sold it on cheap to someone.
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