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Old 7th January 2024, 12:06 AM   #6
Jim McDougall
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Actually as you say, there is no reason to think this is a naval poniard (dirk) just because of the lion with anchor.....but it is compelling that this lion with anchor is the arms of Dusseldorf.
For that reason I would suspect that the poniard/dirk might be somehow connected to Dusseldorf......unless of course there are other entities represented by the lion and anchor........guess its time to hit the heraldry books!

Bavaria.......I could not find that in any of the conversation text, so that threw me a bit.....also about 'Bavarian' access to sea etc.

This is certainly a 'one off' item, and some work went into creating it.

May I ask what resource names Benjamin ? and why the 'B' addendum after the initials of these men?
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