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Old 6th January 2024, 11:02 PM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Default Interesting Maranao naga (?) gunong

This item finished at auction today.

I find it both interesting and curious. It has a waved blade of gunong/punal form (not kris) with an inscribed serpent-like body running down its length. The hilt pommel, which appears to be likely ivory, has a zoomorphic head with mouth and pins for the eyes and nose (?). It resembles a snake to my eyes. The grip is typical Maranao work, with a central bulge that may contain suassa elements. The scabbard is sheathed in what appears to be gilt metal with inscribed okir designs. The sampir is of a Maranao style, as is the okir.

The age of this piece is hard to assess. The blade is not well forged, and I doubt it is tempered or very functional—more symbolic IMHO. Perhaps mid-20th C or earlier manufacture.

I have a strong sense of a serpent running from the pommel to the tip of the blade, and that this has some spiritual significance. I don't believe this is a piece made for those who travel, but it might be. If the scabbard is gilded this would suggest an item of some distinction. Similarly, the metalwork on the hilt might also have some gold, but that would require testing.

Overall I thought this was an interesting piece for which I was the sole bidder.

Thoughts and ideas welcome.

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