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Old 6th January 2024, 07:24 PM   #7
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Posts: 543

Hi All,

I picked up these pieces just before Christmas and was delighted to find the below stamps.

It was at an Auction of old stage props!! alas I did not get at the opening price as some one else liked them, but I am happy all the same (Jim would like the Prop house using real items ;-)

The breast plate with Cromwellian army mark was covered in a thick black paint that took an age to remove. On the right of the auction lot pic.

I am delighted now that I did the work as I have positive ID now on one of of the Maker and the period as per Fernandos Friend.

I bought another 2 in the same Auction lot one which has the L mark, could it be something as easy as Large? and French Napoleonic set also.

Hope you enjoy my finds, I wish I had taken a before and after picture as there was some thick paint on the piece, all I have is auction pic included for prosperity.


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