Thread: Blade gift
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Old 5th January 2024, 05:07 PM   #12
David R
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I have more pics on file, but they don't add much to the conversation. In use they appear to be held blade up, point forward, which seems a little odd to western eyes, a bit like the classical era "Sica". Apparently they are this size because of the prevalence of "dangerous animals" in the area!

Re the tourist trap, I have seen a comment on one forum that unless an area has an actual tourist or foreign garrison market to cater for what you get is the same item as sold to the locals.

I find a lot of the stuff from this area plain or home made looking, but as I understand it it is a result of poverty, and the flight in the 1950's of their artisan class.

Just thoughts and opinions, rather than expertise, from an old collector and haunter of the internet..
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