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Old 5th January 2024, 11:09 AM   #6
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It is admitable that name misspells in sword blades, although often practiced by imitators, also occur with the genuine owners; omiting the H or writing S instead of Z in Hernandez could also happen.
One thing noticed with Hernandez master/s is that, their personal mark seems to always appear in their blades. Assuming Roger's blade is genuine, the only reason the mark in the ricasso doesn't show would be becasuse it was hidden by the ferrule used to set it up with the present hilt assembly. But of course, this is my fantasy working.
As for the symbol in their mark being a Z and not a 3, perhaps doubts should cease, as well known period authors, Lhermite for one, treat it as a Z. Either drawing it in their notes or even name it in the feminine, while the number 3 is masculine.

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