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Old 4th January 2024, 09:19 PM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jim, I do appreciate your compliment, but in all honesty I must tell you that my memory sucks. Big time. I have difficulty remembering what I had for lunch yesterday. Ask me how much money I have in my pocket --- no idea at all.

My memory has never been that great, & it has only gotten worse as I have become older. My brother has a good memory, he used to be able to remember page numbers and paragraph placements & content of things he had read maybe years before. My memory functions like a library alpha-numeric system, it tells me where to find the info I need. Like an index.

But memory is not much involved in what I've written about your pedang, the scabbard work & design is something I can ID without difficulty, & the blade type is not something rare & unusual.

No memory, just familiarity with the field.
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