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Old 4th January 2024, 07:27 PM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jim, there are two distinct periods that are named as Mataram. The first was the Early Classical period in Central Jawa, pre-dating the move of power to East Jawa. The second period of Mataram began towards the end of the 16th century when Senopati assumed power from the Kingdom of Pajang, & set up his kraton in the area of Kota Gede, near present day Ngayogyakarta, in Central Jawa. Kota Gede was the location of the original Kingdom of Mataram, Early Classical Period.

Some will place the end of this second period of Mataram at the point where the Dutch began colonisation of Jawa, say, early 1700's, others will maintain that Mataram is still valid today, because the present Sultan of Ngayogyakarta (Jogja) is of the House of Mataram, as is the present Susuhunan of Surakarta.

Then there are those who want Mataram to end at the time of the partition of Jawa, & others who want it to end when British troops sacked the Kraton of Ngayogyakarta & held a blood bath --- the British troops were Indians under British officers and until today many Javanese people living in Central Jawa are particularly wary of anybody who is ethnic Indian.

I think this pedang might have come from me some years ago, I have forgotten it, but I recognise the style of the recent dress, from the photos I believe I would probably place this pedang blade as pre-1800, ie, late Mataram. My opinion might change if I had it in hand.

My current interpretation of the pommel is that it is a stylization of the Spirit of the Bengawan Solo (Solo River), the Rojomolo (Rajamala).
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