Thread: Ear-Dagger ???
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Old 3rd January 2024, 02:17 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

OP has shown us a number of pieces lately, this, like the supposed " execution sword " , leaves me highly unconvinced.

The execution sword is embellished with a latin motto and this one has the so called " Sator Square"

an overly famous (I have one at home in a modern depiction) symbolic sign bearing the text SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS, that can be read in many ways.

Although this symbolic " magic square" appears for centuries everywhere I don't see why it would appear on a dagger and the entire thing leaves me with the impression that the whole dagger ( or rather a Knife) has been cobbled together to deceive and look more impressive than what it is.

This is a modern piece in my opinion, made to be appealing and lure a possible buyer.

several threads recently started by this new member have been closed .

Almost all show pieces more or less crudely made which seem to be all " mysterious".

He may have a great talent to find the odd and Mysterious or there is something else going on
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