Thread: Iron Helmet
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Old 3rd January 2024, 11:43 AM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2023
Location: Paris
Posts: 8
Default Persian, Turkish, Indian, Arabic ?

Happy new year everyone !

There are a few helmets that are similar in construction, but much nicer.

1 - in Louvre museum : It is given as Persian but with inscriptions in Arabic! Strange !
Two bibliographical references are given, both false :
- Bashir, Mohamed (dir.), L'art des chevaliers en pays d'Islam : Collection de la Furusiyya Art Foundation, cat. exp. (Paris, Institut du monde arabe, 2007), Milan, Skira, 2007, p. 334, n° 321
- Moshtagh Khorasani, Manouchehr, Arms and armor from Iran : the Bronze Age to the end of the Qajar period., Tübingen, Legat-Verlag, 2006, p. 716, n° 407

2 - Wallace collection : Persian ?

3 - Two Alamy pictures unfortunately without sources

4 - One given as Turkish (Mossgreen Auctions 22/11/2009)

I have a very specific question:
- if it is a Persian model, why is it ignored by Manouchehr ?
- if it is a Indian model, why is it ignored by G. N. Pant ?
- if it is a Turkish model, what is the reference? I didn't find it in any book

I would like to have a scientific source.

Best regards,

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