Thread: Lacaille Pistol
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Old 1st January 2024, 03:49 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340

Originally Posted by Fernando K View Post
It does not seem like a spark conversion, but is originally from percussion. What it may be is that a previous spark gun was used, threading a bombette or mascot to thread the chimney. The missing word may be the year of construction, but it would deserve a better photograph to appreciate it. The rifling of the barrel is known as "microrifling."

Maybe it is a different Lacaille; even his son. By the way, you know these names on barrels are usually not those of gun makers but of suppliers, the so called fourbisseurs.
You should try hard to get a more clear picture of the inscription .

Thanks Fernando K and Fernando. So I guess a later date makes more sense and possibly a later member of the family or even supplier.

I'm afraid even under bright light and magnifying glass the first word (or date) is reduced to a few unconnected marks.

The inscription reads : ...... Par Lacaille Ainé ŕ Blois as far as I can tell.

Rifling goes back centuries but there is not much information on micro rifling. Does anyone have any knowledge about when it was popular in the 19th century?

Last edited by CutlassCollector; 2nd January 2024 at 11:29 AM. Reason: spelling
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