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Old 1st January 2024, 01:59 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is incredibly intriguing! and a very esoteric topic.
I honestly had never heard of the 'FREE JUDGES' or Vehmic courts until I saw reference to them and secret symbols on blades in Demmin (1877).
These were medieval tribunals that were locked in secrecy in the Middle Ages in Germany, which seem to have prevailed through the 17th-18th centuries in Westphalian regions.
It seems these 'organizations' were much dramatized and romanticized however there is no doubt their sinister character and power was well founded.

Essentially the identities and organization of these 'courts' had dramatic secrecy which seems mindful of Masonic lore and history, but in these cases, the threat of death was actual and not metaphoric. It is interesting in this manner the use of secret symbols and the skull etc. much as seen in Masonic regalia.

Supposedly the S S and G G stand for stein, strick, gras, grun (=stone, rope, grass, green) . The other terms are obscure, but the rope was significant as those condemned by the 'judges' were typically hanged.
It is noted that a 'knife' often bearjng these symbols would be left by the body to signify this was not a murder, but the ordained action of this 'court'.

It is possible that this is such a knife, and whether used as such a symbol, it seems likely that a member of such free judge court MIGHT wear such as emblem of authority and regalia.

Definitely a MOST rare and esoteric item, never seen an actual example, only references to them.........almost too good to be true!

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 2nd January 2024 at 10:21 AM.
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