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Old 1st January 2024, 04:22 AM   #2
Vikingsword Staff
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Welcome to the Forum! I like the curve of that blade style, which always looks so clean and classical to me. As far as the hilt goes, there are modern reproductions that find their way online. I can't provide a link but others here may have one for you. You would need to custom fit an off-the-shelf piece.

As far as the lack of pattern in the blade, it may be a laminated blade with poor contrast between the laminations, or it might still be wootz. I would try a variety of etchants to see if you can bring out anything. Vinegar is quite good, so is lemon juice, and there is always ferric chloride. I would start dilute and work up. There are helpful comments on these pages if you search for "etching." The coffee seemed to provide an overwhelming color change.
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