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Old 31st December 2023, 05:53 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 269

Originally Posted by corrado26 View Post
The sabre with the brass sheeth preobably is a French "Sabre d'officier de la cavalerie légère", produit à Solingen during the time of the Consulat.
A word of caution about using L’Hoste as a reference from an experienced collector of French swords:

Now, for the inevitable l'Hoste. A fairly prolific author, with detailed works, and still very easy to find. Yet, I would absolutely not recommend it as a first source, because contrary to the authors above, l'Hoste made a few big mistakes and rarely indicated when he was venturing into conjectures. The result is that his mistakes are still repeated in collectors groups, auction houses and even museum collections to this day. He is a useful source to have though once you can crosscheck everything he writes against Ondry or Pétard.
This was in answer to the best sources on French swords. A shame because I also find L’Hoste’s books a convenient go-to on French swords.
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