Originally Posted by nechesh
OK mate, i've don't quite know where i left that conversion chart  , bur 1.3 metres!  Are you talking about the entire sword or just the blade. Even so, that IS massive. I mean, that's well over 50 inches long then, isn't it? I can't imagine wielding that one. Any pictures?
I am also curious where you came up with the date of 1357 for the Kujang. Not to doubt you, It's not an impossible date, but it seems somewhat arbitrary to me. Could you cite your sources there. 
The 1.3 metre kris is part of my collection which is in a different state, so it's not handy to measure. From my recollection: It is Maranao. As the Maranao came into prominence much later than say, the Tao Gimba or Tao Higad, I would say it was a recent piece. I see that you are an Imperialist (joke

), so for your benefit: the scabbard is about 50", the blade is about 'normal' 28" and the hilt about 1'.... from tip-to-tip in the scabbard... approximately 53".
Unfortunately, I have developed an aversion to that part of technology which involves taking pictures... hence I don't even own a camera.
As regards the Kujang: 1357 was when the 'Bubat Massacre' occurred and is very significant to the Sunda people, just as the 'Bud Daha Massacre' is to the Taosug. So, it's not arbitrary in any sense of the word. Quite the contrary, from this point on there existed a deep-seated hatred of the 'wong wetan' (Javanese). Even today, it still exists... if only as an under-current. Unfortunately, I can't cite my sources ( says he, tapping his nose with a wink

) but you may find references in 'Babad Sunda', 'Babad Bubat' and 'Pantun Bogor'.