Thread: My Amoury forum
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Old 30th December 2023, 06:44 PM   #22
werecow's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Leiden, NL
Posts: 534

I wonder if there would be some way to retrieve the information through something like the wayback machine.
Although I think in this case it might be impossible since it appears they strip the query string (the bit after the "?") from the URL, which means they've only indexed the index page and not the individual boards or threads.

Which makes me feel really tempted to write a small webcrawler to periodically index vikingsword in case it one day ceases to be.
It would be really great if we had some sort of backup or mirror of all these sites somewhere, just in case.

It kind of reminds me when the IMDB movie site callously decided to get rid of their message boards, which arguably contained more information and interesting discussions than the actual site itself.
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