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Old 30th December 2023, 08:29 AM   #7
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I also thought of Prussia but historically their Husars have a skull as a cockade. Like Field Marshall August von Mackensen

2. My thoughts go back to Austrian husars and the reason why:

Netherlands doesn't have a real historical tradition of sweets ( be it religious or cultural wise).

For that one has to go to Belgium, Dutch Limburg and the west to southern part of Germany and not to forget Austria.
Think also the resemblance with Aachener Print !!!

And looking at the uniform and type of sword, Baron Franz von der Trenck comes to my mind who was an officer in service of Maria Theresa of Austria/ the Habsburg Empire.
At a time when parts of Germany, the Austrian Netherlands (parts of the Netherlands and Belgium) belonged to the same empire.

Milos Crnojanski book 'migration"/ German "Panduren" describes these men coming to Brussels and Mechelen in Belgium during the War of the Austrian Succession.
August Flament, chronicle writer of Maastricht also states that Caberg, part of the town at the Belgium border, got sacked by "Croats", being actually pandurs.

Resemblance with the uniform is clear, although I think the cockade is little "artistic"freedom or fantasy by the designer of the plate/mold, as the husars in these parts where this piece of candy comes from do have either Prussian cocackes or others ( French, Spanish)

So fom the time these kind of candy were made, , coincides with having these kind of fancy Habsburgian uniforms around. And lets not forget Germany and Netherlands as we know now did not exist a couple of centuries ago one has the think in the empires of that time 16, 17th century.
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Last edited by gp; 30th December 2023 at 12:10 PM.
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