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Old 23rd December 2023, 10:53 AM   #15
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Dear Jim, it is i who is the dissident, thus the apologetic one, for reaching the books is not what i can do best, as my library is a no library; my resources coming from a few pages read here and there. For one, i wasn't famliar with the term Anelace, which i now know its origin is based on how this weapon was suspened from the waist (girdle). Yet i still am more fan of the term Cinquedea, based on how wide its blade was, (five fingers) on its base.
One other thing is how Mr. Castle names figures 6 to 12 as 'shell' daggers, which i find hard to assimilate. In fact these are consensually called 'sail' (guard) daggers, or 'dagas de vela'. Shell daggers are a different thing. His connotation of these being (occasionally ?) sword breakers (as per your 1 - stressed paragraph), perhaps deserves a 'separation of the waters'. They were no doubt left hand weapons.The fact that some had breaking sword implements in them is only an occasional fantasy, notwithstanding the basic purpose of these daggers.
Yours humbly !

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Last edited by fernando; 23rd December 2023 at 11:08 AM.
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