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Old 22nd December 2023, 08:21 PM   #13
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Jim, as i hardly managed to find a path to learn and discuss these things, your material on Mr. Castle set me back significantly. His chart of someone's collection on daggers 'in general' which, apart of unequivocal cinquedeas and 'sail' left handers, leaves me unable to distinguish the fine line among the other so similar examples, some with dates omitted; poor quality pictures not helping either. A fine line may also be raised when approaching 16th or 17th centuries; their beginning and their end, before or after, etc., this when we talk about when determined styles ended their activity.
When sticking to left hand daggers properly, if we consult James Mann's Wallace collection, we notice that their dates versus their styles, seem to be discrepant from Mr. Castle criterion. A798 with wide quillons is dated about 1600; A793 Italian with wide bent quillons (and guard ring) is dated about 1590; A805 about 1600, and others more.
Obviously i may as well be dealing with an (English) language insufficiency and also attribute no fair interpretation of Mr. Castle chart and his quotations, and therefore i am talking plain rubbish. If so, just say the word and i withdraw all that i have said.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas .
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