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Old 22nd December 2023, 06:21 PM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Actually, as far as reasoning, no........I am relying more on the material providing expert opinion/reasoning, of the author Egerton Castle (1885), in PLATE IV......note item #4 shown as 16th c......while 8 and 10 are remarkably similar shown as 17th.

While this plate simply refers to these items as 'daggers' (not otherwise specified) the examples I cited show the propensity for early forms remaining popular in later times (early 16th example to 17th c.).

I have added a page of text that has pertinent data as well.

Tenuously, might I suggest that perhaps the 'notching' in the pommel may be an aesthetic nod toward the 'pie shaped' pommels popular in eastern/central Europe in early mid 17th century as well as N. Italy with some schiavona (attached personal notes) ...these known as
Kosarice. Obviously tenuous as noted, it seemed worth mention as it seems unusual to notch a pommel in this manner.

As far as the yellow, I think maybe just lighting in the photo? rather than actual coloration.
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Last edited by Jim McDougall; 22nd December 2023 at 06:39 PM.
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