Thread: Sulawesi knife?
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Old 22nd December 2023, 12:34 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by JeffS View Post
Ah, got it on the notches. These come to mind from my collection first two are from dua lalan handles. Accepting the four lobes are backed by a diamond and have a central circle, I find similarity. Very common motif on dua lalan handles. Also, the interconnected spirals are similar to this other handle, numerous spirql variations exist on dua lalan handles and house/building panels. The last is a bit of a stretch, but the rows of patterns at the throat of your scabbard remind me of some of the stacked variations on penai scabbard feet, my example here is not the best but I think makes the point. However, I understand that these symbols are found across numerous cultural traditions but I do find the assortment reminiscent of a the Toraja stuff. What is missing is the strict geometric orientation with the symbols on your scabbard, the precise relative placement does seem to be a Toraja carving feature while yours seem somewhat haphazard outside of the throat.
Thank you Jeff,

After some search by your hint I remember that the four-leaved flower motive is many times found on dua lalan handles, on my own example as well. Thank you for this hint!
I asked also a friend from Sulawesi, living on Bali, he stated just before that the knife in question coming from Sumbawa.

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