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Old 3rd July 2006, 05:22 PM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by kai

Actually, that's a myth. It's true that the .38 usually didn't have enough stopping power to deal with juramentado attacks. But the limited stopping power (in different combat situations) was already well known before the Spanish-American war and I recall that the switch to the .45 had been already decided, too. However, it often seems to take ages to get equipment upgrades distributed to regular combat soldiers rather than to just a few elite units.
Can you cite some references for your opinion that its a myth?
There is a good article in a old magazine "The Gun Report vol.37,#1", that records the history of the switch during and after the Philippine American War 1902 when the US continued the fight in the Moro territories. Soldiers wanted the .45 revolvers over the issued .38 because they saw Moros fighting after multiple shots and cutting down their opponent. Development of the .45 automatic took about a decade with the 1911 issue while still fighting the Moro. The military even admit it was the battles with the Moro that cause the switch on one of their promotional posters.
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