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Old 15th December 2023, 10:53 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Interesting Jean, in fact, there are several quite interesting things about this keris.

But putting matters other than the pendok to one side, what I actually said was:- "It was most likely without any motif." This is a qualified statement.

It is not difficult to find Palembang keris with an embossed motif to the pendok, really, all you need to do is few google searches. However, if we look very carefully at these embossed Palembang pendok, what we sometimes, or perhaps frequently note is that many of these embossed pendok have slight variations in form from the genuine Palembang pendok form, and that the embossing work looks decidedly Kota Gede, and we do know that Kota Gede workshops have accepted work from all across SE Asia for many years. Most particularly the workshop of Bp.Prawirodihardjo(alm.)

Something else we find is that the various elements of the dress vary remarkably from what we historically associate with Palembang .

But when we come across an old Palembang keris of very good quality, and that has been outside of SE Asia for a lengthy period we find that the pendok will be free of motifs. This has been my experience, but others might have had a different experience.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 15th December 2023 at 11:14 AM.
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