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Old 6th December 2023, 09:12 PM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

I am very grateful for all of the great minds coming in on this thread! As a lover of baskets, but a relative minor leaguer with input and examples to show, I enjoy absorbing all of the knowledge you folks have to offer! This is indeed an exceptional Glascow basket and can only hope it will be cherished as the rare example that it is (i.e. I'd give anything for an example such as this!!).

A good question was raised concerning the 'other type' of basket hilt, the Sinclaire. It would seem there are a lot of these popping up lately and IMHO, many might be more 'modern' than represented. I feel Jim is correct that there appears to be no direct source material for rhese fascinating swords, which is a pity. Perhaps other Forumites who have examples can add them here so we can compare? I know I've seen a few members with long as it doesn't detract from the original thread, that is!
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