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Old 5th December 2023, 02:00 AM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Norman McCormick View Post
I totally agree it is a great sword but once an extract from the McDougallpedia has been posted there's not a lot left to say. As always Jim you are a veritable mine of info
My Regards,
Thanks Norman, but its never my intent to take up all the air. Actually, I always look this stuff up so as to hopefully be helpful. By compiling what I can, and summarizing what I understand, my hopes are always that others will fill in the blanks, correct what I have wrong, and add to what I have missed.
Basically, hoping for discussion.

I learn by writing out my piles of scribbled notes from the research I do before posting, so my thought is why not share what I have found.
I guess that might be over responding?

My 'knowledge' is comprised simply of hours of digging through notes and books in hopes of writing a useful synopsis concerning the weapon at hand, hardly an encyclopedic knowledge myself.

Thank you for the kind words, and I regret the blunt slip.

All the best
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