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Old 2nd July 2006, 11:45 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Steven,
I'd like to welcome you to the forum as well, and wanted to note that though I'm more than undisclosed decades older, I still have my trusty Moisin-Nagant sitting in the corner from many years ago...with the 'screwdriver' bayonet
I started collecting with worn old bayonets from war surplus stores that were usually in dusty barrels. Just remember, its about learning and not hesitating to ask questions, just like what you're doing.
We steer away from monetary values because of not only legal problems, but they have little to do with the historic value or identification of the weapon. As students of edged weapons and thier history, we typically consider such base focus irrelevant.

As you can see, the guys here are loaded with knowledge, and especially on the very esoteric keris, which is truly a fascinating weapon form. Regardless of how many years any of us has been at this, we are all still learning, and doing it together, so again, welcome!!!!

All the best,
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