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Old 2nd July 2006, 11:16 PM   #19
Pangeran Datu
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Steven C.
I'm wondering how long could a kris get? And how is it used, some of them are really thin and wavy which makes me think of a stabber. The others are thick and straight which makes me think chopper. So whats the max length of a kris and how is it used?

Also whats the difference between a kris and keris?
G'day Steven,
Welcome aboard mate.

There are no 'standards' for the length of a keris/kris. However, aficionados have some agreement as to what constitutes a 'normal' length. which also may be different for different regions, e.g. for the indo keris: the difference between what is considered 'normal' length in Java and that in Bali. Rather than having one specific value of length, 'normal' tends to be a range, e.g. for the Javanese keris it is about 33-38 cm.
Kerises can be found as small as only a few centimetres in length, but these tend to be talismanic in nature.
In the other extreme, kerises/krises can be quite MASSIVE! I have a keris which is approximately 1 metre in length and a kris which is about 1.3 metres.

The terms keris/kris/kriss/creese etc. are interchangeable, depending upon whom and what country you are dealing with.

Should you become interested interested in the Kujang.... that is a slightly different area. The Kujang didn't really develop until 1357..... their aficianados are a small bunch.. but very dedicated.

Anyway... there's a lot of info out there.. as well as in this forum. Decide what's best for you and ... God speed !

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