The thread I mentioned is the force of nature that binds all things in creation.
Some people will think of this thread as the Naga, others will think of the thread as God, perhaps neither of these concepts are adequate, they are just pegs to hang a thought on, something to help focus.
Perhaps our minds are too limited to grasp the idea of a natural force that flows through everything in creation, but if we pause for a moment, we empty our mind and think of perhaps a pumpkin, then focus on the stem of the pumpkin, on the stem we will see tiny hairs, focus on one of those hairs and continue that focus until there is nothing but the hair, this might open the door that will permit us to feel the one binding thread that holds the cosmos together.
I use pumpkins, others use something else, I believe a bowl of water is good.
That thread is perhaps beyond understanding, but for some of us, it is not beyond feeling.